Upjohn Stock Certificates  

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Monica Evans was a great believer in The Upjohn Company. She bought stock in it from 1962 through 1973. Before the age of computers, all stocks were managed on paper. Monica's investment would have paid off nicely, particularly in the 1980s when Upjohn stock split 2 for 1 and then 3 for 1. Copies of all her certificates are shown below. Note the different Upjohn Company President and Secretary signatures over the years. Thank you to Monica's sister Joyce for sending them to me.


Here's a link to when The Upjohn Company went public in January 1959.












Monica's Upjohn stock was exchanged for Pharmacia & Upjohn stock in 1996. Then that P&U stock was exchanged for Pharmacia stock in 2000. What is interesting is that her original Upjohn paper stock certificates did not get turned in and either destroyed or embossed with the word "VOID". Usually that was the process with paper stock certificates.

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