Here is a series of photos depicting Control operations in the
distant past. Where available, descriptions and dates are given at the top
of each photo.
Below - Stills used to run quantitative assay for alcoholic
content of tinctures and other fluids.
Below - rate of dissolution of aspirin. May 1936
Below - spectrum analysis of vitamin A with spectrophotometer.
Below - strictly aseptic surgical technique employed in
pharmocologic assay of corpus luteum hormone.
Chick assay of vitamin D.
Below - sterility test of hypodermic solutions.
Below - Seeding flasks of media for bacterial vaccine
Below - diluting the antigen for bacterial vaccine manufacture.
Below - the Mitchell (camera) peers at a Bacteriology Dept
sterility test.
Below - harvesting bacteria from culture media.
Below - Shirley Anderson determines penicillin potency by
cup-plate method with antbiotic zone reader.
Below - multiple tube holders being placed in bucket centrifuge
for assay of diptheria toxin - antitoxin by the Collodiou
Particle Flocculation Test.
Below - washing pertussis organisms by separating from saline
solution in Sorval Angle Centrifuge. The angle of the tubes
hastens the sedimentation of the cells.
Below - Kathleen Marks examining sterility control tubes in the
37 degree walk-in incubator.
Below - Gertrude Vanderhorst assaying streptomycin by the
Turbidometric Method uding the Lumetron Colorimeter.
Below - determining the identity and purity of sulfadiazine by
placing a capillary tube containing the drug in electrically
heated mineral oil and noting the melting point.
Below - on the right a Control inspector takes a bottle of
Citrasulfas at random from the production line for inspection.
Below - assaying sulfa strenth of Citrasulfas by titration. The
end point is a color change on the starch-iodide smear on the
filter paper. February 1948. This looks to be a very young
Pauline Wherly, who worked in Control for 42 years!
Below - viscosity determination equipment in the Control
Laboratories, showing spindle about to be lowered into the
sample of Citrasulfas. February 1948.
Below - taking a sample of suladiazine from a new shipment in
the warehouse for testing. February 1948.
Below - taking a sample of citrasulfas from a mixing tank for
Below - autoclave for sterilizing laboratory equipment.
Below the vacuum drier removes all moisture from samples of
compounds to be analyzed.
Below - a young LeRoy Graham using a refractometer to measure
the refraction of light passing through a film of oil at a
definite temperature. This is a step in checking the purity of
cod liver oil.
Below - testing physical properties of soft elastic capsules.
Below - fluoroscopic determination of vitamin B and G content.
Below - specific gravity test.
Below - Control inspection of sterile solutions in ampoules.
Below - an accurate method of determining melting points. The
substance to be tested is spread along a gradiently heated bar
of metal. Contact with the needle is then made on the bar at the
point where melting begins. The thermocouple effect of the two
different metals is measured, which enables the operator to
determine the exact melting point.